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SolarTurbines消防控制器 QS1034749中国办事处
更新时间:2020-12-08   点击次数:591次

    SolarTurbines消防控制器 QS1034749中国办事处
的 TurboFab 可帮助您为您的陆地和海上重要项目生产模块化的压缩或发电设备。
Solar 的单提式模块 (SLM) 为您的作业现场提供即插即用的压缩、发电或泵送解决方案。 SLM 的重量范围为 300 - 2500 吨,并从我们位于德克萨斯州钱纳尔维尤的 TurboFab 工厂发往世界各地。

每个 SLM 都按照我们或您的技术参数制造,它们可提供以下显著优势:

在我们自己的 ISO 9001 制造厂制造,符合 Solar 的质量控制和*安全愿景要求
通常交付期限为 12 个月
有利于运回 Solar 进行翻新/系统再设计
The Veteran’s Affairs San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) provides health care to more than 240,000 veterans in San
Diego and Imperial Valley counties. The San Diego VA Hospital has 304 hospital beds; 510,000 annual outpatient visits;
54,000 enrolled patients;7000 admissions; and 2000 full-time employees. VASDHS is affiliated with the University of
California, San Diego School of Medicine. The site covered by the project includes the VA Hospital complex which consists
of the Main Hospital Building, the Spinal Cord Injury Building, and the Central Heating and Cooling Plant. The Joint
Commission has recognized VASDHS as a 2013 Top Performer on key quality measures.
Reasons for CHP
The San Diego VA Hospital chose to develop a CHP system for its facilities for four main reasons: energy reliability; energy
efficiency; pollution reduction; and cost savings. This strategic decision was instrumental in ensuring that, unlike other San
Diego County facilities that experienced total loss of all electric power in September 2011 during a county wide power
outage, the San Diego VA Hospital was able to maintain power for all outlets, clinical diagnostic equipment, and air
conditioning and ventilation in its facilities during the outage. The installed CHP system is also equipped with a
recuperator, which provides more energy to electrical power generation and less to heating, which matches the Medical
Center Campus load profile extremely well. The CHP systems replace
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Explore our Gas Compressors
Solar Turbines has delivered over 6500 compressors around the world for a variety of applications with best in class efficiencies. See our entire line of gas compressors here.
Actual conditions can vary dramatically based on location and application factors. The Required Power is based on inputs and is estimated for information only and does not constitute Solar's agreement to offer a firm proposal in the future.
Available Power is based on the selected engine output power and is for a new engine at nominal performance, optimum speed and ISO conditions. Final turbine selection will be affected by your actual site conditions.
Compressor selection is provided for guidance only, it does not include details engineering the selection, which involves, critical speeds bearing spans, compressor loadings, allowable compressor configurations, materials of construction, bearings requirements, torque, etc.
Required power is calculated using nominal compressor efficiency and ISO conditions.
Contact Solar Turbines for details on your specific project or application.
Electric Motor Drive (EMD) solutions are also available. Contact Solar Turbines if a gas turbine product does not align with your project needs.  

SolarTurbines消防控制器 QS1034749中国办事处


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